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Bienvenue !

Passionate about all animal species, but the RAT has given me an even greater love than other pets. So we created La Ratoonery!

It's thisimmeasurable fascination for these wonderful creatures, who pushed me to create this site and, gather as much as possible, of different knowledge and life experiences on this species, but also, to share with you thispassion,and also of our beginnings of reproductions

La Ratoonerie, Family rat breeding, French breeding, international transport, welfare of rodents, valuations of rats, advice for rat lovers, passion for rats, shop, ratterie, ratterie, breeding in Aveyron, exchange around rats, rats , ratten, ratas,
Ratoonery, µNinko Concept logo, all rights reserved
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To not miss any updates and future litters, it's simple, subscribe! 

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Prochainement, mise en place de conseils variés vous seront proposés chaque mois pour tous les abonnez sous forme de fiche technique ! 


Sawako to give birth to 13 babies 

January 8, 2024! 

100% Dumbo


Widow & Maho were united

Birth to endFebruary 2024! 

100% Dumbo



Ninko Concept


Réalise toutes les illustrations présentent sur le site, et visuels à venir de tous les supports 

Raydol art, photographer, aveyron, professional, animal photographer, cow, artist, love of animals,


Photographe animalier privée

Studio et Extérieur.

Pour professionnels et particuliers



Fully DEFRA approved and experienced pet transport company in the EU and UK

Les transports de nos loulous sont EXCLUSIVEMENT assurés par leurs services. Tout autres structures ou covoiturages, blabla car etc, GEODIS, sont absolument proscrites !

If you would like to work in collaboration with us, do not hesitate to write to us, we will be delighted to answer you!



The two French failures in whom we have blind confidence and with whom we work

Les petites moustaches 59

Little Mustaches

located in 59 in DENAIN


Passionate since 2013 and started breeding in 2022. 

Main project is the genealogy, health, character and sociability of her babies, mainly on the Silverman / Rex phenotype

(still not very present in France)

Votre avis compte

Comments (2)

Mar 14

Une personne très sérieuse dans sa passion et agréable.

Une passion qui se ressent à travers ses rats.

rat toonerie
rat toonerie
La Ratoonery
Mar 15
Replying to

La Ratoonery vous remercie ! Nous essayons d'offrir le meilleur de nous même à chaque instant 💙

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